Sunday, August 26, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

Well, we are officially beach people! We made the move into a condo. Our stay here is supposed to be 2 months, though with the rainy weather we've had, it has delayed our construction a bit, so maybe a bit longer. We are content though! Beach life is GLORIOUS! Seriously! We go to the beach almost every day and I get to play tennis most mornings surrounded by palm trees and the ocean breeze. Turns out our neighbor at the new house is on my tennis team and we will be tennis partners this year. Everything is falling into place!

My Lucy Lu started kindergarten and declared "it was the BEST.DAY.EVER" She says she really hit it off with a girl named Emily "because we have SO much in common... we both love hot pink and purple and we REALLY love to dance."

On the house front, we FINALLY got concrete poured and will start framing this week. As soon was we have some framing up, I will take pictures and post. We are Busy Busy Busy bugs!

1 comment:

  1. I want to see your tummy, Lucy, Lucas and the Big Daddy TJ.
    Heading out to the beach house tomorrow. Any chance for lunch?
